How do YOU browse the web?

I don’t know how much data you need to be statistically significant, but I expect it would take my modest website awhile to get there in terms of analyzing who does what when they go browsing on But I’ve noticed a very consistent pattern on the “examples” page where you can access samples of work. Virtually everyone who visits this page looks at the FIRST entry and the LAST entry but very little in between. It’s sort of like the P.S. in a direct mail letter, which research says is often the first thing read. Folks see what is at the top, what is at the bottom, then they form their judgment about this copywriter’s work.

One thought on “How do YOU browse the web?”

  1. Something else about my website: I put up a number of printed samples in pdf format because I wanted people to be able to read them in the context of how they actually look. NOBODY ever downloads these, while the html sample links are accessed pretty regularly. Also, a “copywriting that gets results” guide is available in both pdf and html, side by side. The html is accessed a couple of times every day, the pdf never ever. Fears of viruses? Too much work? or do people just hate pdfs?

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